The FYI at UMMAH’s Mental Health Summit – Baltimore, MD

Over the past year, Muslim communities in Maryland have experienced the painful, seemingly unprecedented trauma of losing – or nearly losing – several of our youth to suicide or attempted suicide. While the evidence is anecdotal at this stage, educators, community leaders, and mental health professionals report a significant uptick in the number of Muslims – especially youth – grappling with depression, anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorders and other related issues.

At UMMAH, we believe its time to take steps to de-stigmatize mental illness once and for all. This summit, designed for people ages 13 and older, will feature expert speakers who will tackle some of the core, critical issues surrounding mental health that are impacting ordinary people just like you. Together, we can make a difference to help build healthier, more resilient Muslim American communities. We hope to see you on September 29th.

– UMMAH Steering Committee