Have you ever asked yourself, “Should I go to therapy?” If so, do you even know where to start? What questions should you ask when interviewing therapists? How do you know if it is a good fit? Once you start, how do you know if it is working? This multi-part FYI Therapy Guide will help you find answers to those important questions! To make things easier for you, we’ve split this guide into 3 sections:

1) The Importance of Therapy – where we go into misconceptions, signs that might mean that therapy would be good for you, benefits, and a quick reminder about how taking care of your mental health is part of our faith!

2) Searching for a Therapist  – where we take a look at the differences between different mental health professionals, what to look for, consider, and expect when making a decision about a therapist to see, and a list of questions to ask when interviewing!

3) What to Expect – where we talk about what therapy might look like, what makes it a good fit, red flags to watch out for, and how you know if it is even working for you.

This resource is meant as a guide to help you begin your journey or along the way as a reference. Please feel free to pass these infographics along to friends and family and check them out as more shareable social posts as well!

The Importance of Therapy






Searching for a Therapist





What to Expect






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Have you ever asked yourself, “Should I go to therapy?” If so, do you even know where to start? What questions should you ask when interviewing therapists? How do you know if it is a good fit? Once you start, how do you know if it is working? This multi-part FYI Therapy Guide will help you find answers to those important questions! To make things easier for you, we’ve split this guide into 3 sections

1) The Importance of Therapy – where we go into misconceptions, signs that might mean that therapy would be good for you, benefits, and a quick reminder about how taking care of your mental health is part of our faith!

2) Searching for a Therapist  – where we take a look at the differences between different mental health professionals, what to look for, consider, and expect when making a decision about a therapist to see, and a list of questions to ask when interviewing!

3) What to Expect – where we talk about what therapy might look like, what makes it a good fit, red flags to watch out for, and how you know if it is even working for you.

This resource is meant as a guide to help you begin your journey or along the way as a reference. Please feel free to pass it along to friends and family.

This resource was authored by Madiha Tahseen, Ph.D., Maryam Wright, LMSW, Romiesa Ahmed, B.A., and Maryum Khwaja, LCSW and designed by Sarrah AbuLughod, M. A. 

The Importance of Therapy

Searching for a Therapist

What to Expect

Check out this resource in the form of infographics by clicking here or on the images below!

This multi-part Therapy Guide Infographic Series will help you find answers to questions about the importance of therapy, how to search for a therapist and what to expect out of therapy, and your relationship with your mental health.  To make things easier for you, we’ve split this guide into 3 sections:

1) The Importance of Therapy – where we go into misconceptions, signs that might mean that therapy would be good for you, benefits, and a quick reminder about how taking care of your mental health is part of our faith!

2) Searching for a Therapist  – where we take a look at the differences between different mental health professionals, what to look for, consider, and expect when making a decision about a therapist to see, and a list of questions to ask when interviewing!

3) What to Expect – where we talk about what therapy might look like, what makes it a good fit, red flags to watch out for, and how you know if it is even working for you.


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